OOTA Annual Conference ~ October 11-12, 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to be part of the OOTA Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, where we will embark on a transformative journey at the intersection of occupational therapy and community building under the theme: Connecting For Change: Building Community Through Occupational Therapy. Join us in embracing the power of collaboration, community engagement, and interdisciplinary connections to shape the future of occupational therapy practice. Let's bridge gaps and forge connections for the betterment of communities together!





On October 11 – 12, 2024 OOTA will be hosting the 2024 OOTA State Conference at the Hilton Polaris in Columbus, Ohio. OOTA expects to draw approximately 200 occupational therapy professionals and students, and up to 30 vendors with the opportunity for up to 13.25 in person contact hours of continuing education (and more on demand).

Online Sponsorship Form: Sponsorship 

Printable Sponsorship Form: Sponsorship Form 


A Note about 2024 Conference Dates and Yom Kippur 

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns brought by several members regarding the dates of the 2024 conference falling during Yom Kippur. This was an unintentional oversight on the part of the conference planning committee and was due in part to a very limited number of weekends being available at the time in which we began our search for this year's venue. 

When the overlap in dates was brought to our attention, we contacted the hotel to see if there was a possibility of moving our conference dates, but other events prevented a move to a date that was not more than a month away from our original plans. As such, we made the decision to move forward with the current dates, with the assurance to all members that future conference planning will include careful consideration of holidays to every extent possible.

We know that collaboration and diversity are cornerstones of our profession and our association, and we continue to learn from our mistakes and work to be better.


OOTA Executive Board & Conference Planning Committee